Event management just goes deeper and diversifies by the year. We are now in 2019 and every aspect in events has evolved to such a level that if you do not keep up to the times you will turn obsolete.
Audio visuals are an integral part of every event. We often consider it the soul of an event, without which the event lacks life and depth. Audio visuals have evolved over the years and now as we are in 2019, a whole new dimension of the same has caught up into the market today. We look at a few trends that are doing the rounds these days in the market.We at Reynold Events Goa, make sure to stay on top of our game at all points of time so that we can deliver what’s best and in trend for our clients.
Projection Mapping
A trend that is being used now days is projection mapping which is also known as spatial augmented reality. Here objects are used as display surfaces for video projections. Multiple graphics, designs, images, colours, and videos can be portrayed as canvases for the projection of different works.
Wireless Equipment
All equipment now days are going the wireless way. It takes a considerable amount of time to set up equipment with wires. Event companies have decided to incorporate wireless audio and video receivers to manage audio presentations. Also, the use of mobiles, smart phones and so on has reduced wired devices.
Advancement of Technology
The use of 4K and 3-D Monitors at events today bring about a whole new feel in vison and clarity. The brightness and brilliance in colours on the monitors are a sight to watch out for. Any content produced on these monitors keeps you engaged by giving you a more interactive feel. 2-D screens are turning obsolete with the advancement in technology.
A brilliance in advancement of technology is the development of the Oculus Rift. The Oculus Rift virtual-reality headset once put on will take you to a different world that is created by the organiser of the event. A personal walkthrough of products and presentations can be given to individuals just by asking them to wear a device.
LED Displays
Gone are the days where one used banners and posters to brand an event in the form of back drops, standees and other promotional stuff. Now we have the use of LED displays that can be created in all shapes and sizes and serve the same purpose of branding products. These are more attractive to clients; they do not require additional lighting at night and are visible from a distance.
Everything changes with time for the better, events have become more sophisticated but the equipment to meet the needs have become simpler. We need to meet the needs of our clients; we also need to be in tune with latest trends. 2019 is set to bring out a lot of change in the field of event management and we at Reynold Events Goa are up for the challenge.