Mar 302021

5 Tips for Improving Air Quality in Your Apartment

5 Tips for Improving Air Quality in Your Apartment

Bad air quality in your home can have major effects on your health, and mood. Poor quality air can be caused by numerous factors such as pollution from the traffic outside, poor quality building materials as well as emissions from heating and appliances.

Having Bad indoor air quality in your 3 bhk apartments in Mapusa Goa has been linked to asthma, fatigue and lung disease. There are more than one way to identify the quality of your indoor air temperature.

1. Ventilation

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Proper airflow is essential for good quality air indoors. Getting a good airflow throughout your home will eradicate any stagnant air and refresh all your interior air.
One simplest option is to keep all the doors and windows open to rejuvenate the quality of  indoor air.
Obviously if you live in a crowded city, the air passing by might be very unpleasant and potentially toxic. In such a scenario choose the time of day wisely, early morning or late evening  are the best, especially when traffic levels are at their lowest.

2. Clean your AC regularly

3 bhk apartments in mapusa goa

Air conditioners can get really dirty and depress the quality of your air if not cleaned on time. But, they can also help in huge amounts to improve the quality in your house by drying the air out and refreshing the stale air.
All air conditioners contain a type of filter that purifies the air, removing impurities and dust.
Just like any other filter, it’s essential to regularly clean these filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Candles are perfect air purifiers

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Not just any candles, but those that are made of Beeswax have air purifying qualities because of the negative ions released as they burn. 
As positive charge is present in the air carried by pollen, dust, dirt, pollutants, and other junk, a beeswax candle is burning the negative ions released into the air. These positively charged particles are sucked into the candles or to fall from suspension.
Many air purifiers work on the negative ion air charging.
The best part about a Beeswax candle is that they are not only 100% natural but also minimise impurities in your home. They smell good and create a wonderful energy too.

4. Substitute for candles
If you have asthma issues due to the smoke of burning candles, then you can achieve the same effect by having a salt lamp.
These salt lamps, that are created by putting a light source into a huge mass of Himalayan salt, give out negative ions when lit.
Just like the beeswax candles, these negatively charged particles will help fight against the positive ions and any other contaminants that cause allergies.

5. Use activated charcoal 

3 bhk apartments in mapusa goa

Activated charcoal is a decade old method that has been used to purify the air. It dates back to as far as World War 1, where it was used inside the gas masks.  Today many forms of  activated charcoal are present in many types of filters from recycling air inside nuclear submarines to reducing emissions in cars.
Inside your house, activated charcoal can be a rapid and effective way to reduce air impurities.


So there you have it, these were some tips for improving air quality in our apartment. Most real estate developers in Goa now realise the importance of well-ventilated homes are ideal for living.