Feb 242022

5 Tips to Avoid Online Schooling Fatigue and Boost Productivity

5 Tips to Avoid Online Schooling Fatigue and Boost Productivity

Since the pandemic, online classes have become an integral part of every student’s life.  However, it comes with its own set of drawbacks. It eventually leads to boredom and curtails the growth of the child. A child’s attention span is significantly greater in a classroom than it is at home when learning online. Because they are in the comfort of their own home, they are more sensitive to everyday distractions. The monotonous routine brings about Online School Fatigue among children. Online School Fatigue is when students reach their saturation point of learning online using digital tools. The best IB schools in Goa are trying to restructure their plans to deal with Online Schooling Fatigue.

Here are 5 Tips to Avoid Online Schooling Fatigue and boost productivity:

  • Get into a study routine
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Adding order to your day can help you feel more in control. It can also help one focus, organize, and be more productive. You may ensure that you are focused during the times you plan to accomplish your homework by creating and sticking to an online study timetable. This will result in increased productivity! Many of the best private schools in Goa are trying to implement a friendly routine for kids to enhance their productivity.

  • Interact and Participate in the Lessons
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The continual monologue is another cause of e-learning fatigue. During the lecture, it’s a good idea to interact with your classmates and teachers. The more you interact and engage, the greater your interest will be in online classes. A teacher is going through the same thing that a student is going through. It is critical to discuss new and inventive approaches to make online learning more dynamic and enjoyable in order to better understand one another.

  • Maintain Proper Sitting posture

A terrible sitting posture in front of the computer can cause a lot of bodily aches, which can lead to a bad experience wherein you won’t be able to concentrate. Position your chair so that your lower back is appropriately supported to reduce your risk of back pain. Adjust the height of your chair so that you can type with your wrists and forearms straight and parallel to the floor. Place your feet flat on the floor. Your screen should be directly in front of you. Place your keyboard in front of you when typing. Leave a gap of about 4 to 6 inches at the front of the desk to rest your wrists when typing. Position and use the mouse as close to you as possible. Do not sit in the same position for an extended period of time. Make an effort to shift your posture as often as possible.

  • Limit your screen time to school work

Children are always online for a variety of reasons, including video games, chatting with friends, and more. Due to online learning, children are now glued to their screens for longer hours. It is important to understand that when it comes to online education, it’s critical to know how to prioritize your time and how to spend less time in front of the computer. Set aside a specific amount of time for studying, and try to compromise or reduce on other activities. 

  • Create a learning nook
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Your house is where you feel most at ease and calm. Make a designated area in your home for online study. It will assist you in staying focused and not becoming distracted. Ensure that your space is well-lit. Your productivity is directly influenced by the lighting you use. Check that the lighting isn’t too harsh or too soft. Your feelings of learning should be directly associated with your corner. As a result, the moment you sit down, your brain instantly switches to a productive mode.

Being aware of all areas of your day to day activities can help you do your best as you learn online. Social media, background noise, where you learn, and how you stay focused for specific amounts of time are all important methods to make the most of online learning and stay on track for success.