Jan 212022

5 Tips to Stay Fit This Winter Season

5 Tips to Stay Fit This Winter Season

Winter is a beautiful yet busy season for us all. We have numerous functions to attend, family get-togethers, and trips.We come in contact with a lot of people. Apart from this, many people love to spend their whole winter days in a warm and cozy room with pleasant music. Winter sees shorter days and longer nights which can be a challenge as various diseases can emerge. Due to your low immune system, almost every disease can settle  in your body during this season. The reasons for noticeable  low immunity are the reduced humidity levels prevalent during winters and the inactivity of your body. 

These winter days create several safety risks for us. Recognizing and preventing those risks is essential to maintain good health. Here are some tips to stay healthy in winters and enjoy the most wonderful time of the year!

1.Regular exercise

Regular exercise

It is common for people to feel lethargic during the winter months. In these difficult times, it is difficult to stick to your exercise plans, but there are many other ways to stay active and warm. You can lose some calories by taking fitness classes, lifting weights, or dancing. Finding an activity that you enjoy is the most important part of an exercise regimen. It is more likely that you will continue exercising if you are having fun. Exercise will not only help you lose weight it will also help you generate heat and keep your body warm. From your immunity point of view keeping your body active will boost your immunity and increase your strength.

2.Eat a lot of proteins

Eat a lot of proteins

Keeping yourself healthy requires a lot of protein. Eat foods that are high in protein to feel energized throughout the day. In addition to building tissues and bones, proteins also boost the body’s metabolism. You can keep warm and provide yourself with protein in the winter by eating enough meat, poultry food, dairy products, nuts, and seeds.  Other food sources of dietary protein include fish and seafood, legumes and beans – all beans, chickpeas, lentils, split peas and tofu.  The amount of protein you need from your diet varies depending on your weight, gender, age and health. For people following a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, you will need to choose from various protein sources from a combination of plant foods every day to make sure they get an adequate mix of the required amino acids.

3.Checkup on Your Health Regularly

Preventing illness during the winter season includes opting for a regular health checkup. Winter weather triggers health problems like asthma, flu, sore throats, painful joints, and higher risks of heart attacks because it causes blood pressure to rise and puts more pressure on the heart. Vision Hospital Goa is one of the best hospital in Goa. You can visit this hospital in Mapusa, North Goa for a health check-up. The doctors consulting at the hospital are some of the best doctors in Goa and are sure to guide you in the right direction with respect to healthcare. Preventive health checkups can ensure good health even in cold weather and help prevent winter diseases. 

4.Maintain good hygiene

Maintain good hygiene

Good personal hygiene is considered one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting gastro or catching viruses such as COVID-19, colds and flu. Washing your hands often with soap and water or regular use of alcohol-based hand sanitisers in public areas. Cleaning your body every day to get rid of any germs that settle on your body, clean and disinfect objects you often use such as your cellphones, keys, wallets and bus passes or ID cards, covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing or continuously wearing a mask in highly populated areas. Maintaining good personal hygiene will also help prevent you from spreading diseases to other people.

5.Vitamin D

Going outdoors and soaking in the warm sun really helps boost immunity. Our body requires vitamin D in certain amounts as it is essential for maintaining health and immunity. Vitamin D is also required to regulate a person’s mood. It has been shown that high-dose vitamin D is effective at preventing seasonal influenza, evidenced by the rapid reduction of viral loads and the rapid recovery from disease. Infants can also probably benefit from high-dose vitamin D. Sources of Vitamin D include  fish, red meat, liver and egg yolks.

All in all this winter be proactive towards your health status, get a routine medical checkup so that you will get to know the risk factors, if any. Invest in a health checkup at Vision Multispecialty Hospital, Mapusa Goa, to consult with some of the best doctors in Goa. The doctors will provide quality healthcare services as well as preventive health checkup packages to meet your health needs.