Apr 092019

Event Planning Checklist

Event Planning Checklist

A popular saying by Paul J. Meyer “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” The success of any event is in its plan. The best way to go ahead with the plan then is to have an in-depth checklist covering all the aspects of the event. This guide is sure to bring to you the desired results.

  • Objectives and Goals

Make sure you objectives and goals are well defined. Are you planning on raising money? Do you want to gather a crowd? Do you want to promote a product? Analyse your goals so that you can focus on the output.

  • Time

Make sure you have sufficient time to plan the event. Put down a timeline and adhere to it strictly. A timeline helps in time bound planning and it also gives you an idea as to how far behind you maybe on your schedule.

  • Delegation of tasks

An important point on your checklist is to delegate the work to your colleagues after the plan is in place. This will help in getting everyone involved in their well-defined tasks thus eliminating overlapping of duties.

You may be also looking for a guide on: How to Plan an Event

  • First Aid

A well planned event planner will never ignore this point on his checklist. Emergencies take place anytime and anywhere. We need to make sure that the guests are safe at all times. It is important to delegate first aid task to someone responsible to handle it.

Event Planner in Goa

Image Source: Reynold Events & Promotions in Goa

  • Transport

Keep one person involved to check the transport arrangements.  Make sure to identify which locations people are travelling from and then arrange the transport to the venue and post event accordingly.

  • Children

Yet another point on your checklist is looking after children. Make sure the children are not left unattended while the parent is playing a major part in the event. Setting up a play zone with supervisors is an awesome way to keep them safe and in their comfort zone.

  • Photography/Videography

You don’t want to miss out on capturing the best moment of your event at any cost. Hence make sure to put this point on your checklist. Make sure to brief the photography and videography team before the start of the event to make sure they are well aware of what they need to capture.

  • Bookings, permissions and licences

A lot of events require several amount of paper work that needs to be done in the form of Bookings, permissions and licences. Make sure to get all necessary permissions like sound, alcohol etc. Without these your event is at the risk of being called off.

  • Budget

Make sure to draft a budget for your event in order to list out the expenses and make the arrangements to cover the same. A well-defined budget will put you at the top of your game and ensure a smooth flow of the function.

  • Publicity

Without advertise and publicity the word about your event will not reach where it was intended to go. Make sure to have a team in place to carry out your publicity needs from time to time.

  • Food

Well no one is going to like it if you miss out on the most important part in a person’s day. Yes we are talking about food. Make sure to keep sufficient staff involved to cater to everyone’s needs.

Hope you find this information helpful!!