Aug 122020

How To Become Successful In Freight Forwarding Business

How To Become Successful In Freight Forwarding Business

The competition amongst freight forwarding businesses is very fierce as of today. Every business needs to up their game and take action if they want to see accelerated sales and happy clients. A lot of factors contribute to the success of a successful freight forwarding business.

1. Smart Procurement:

The Top logistics solutions in India have evolved over a period of time to adopt a strategic procurement process which is very effective as compared to the mere administrative procurement of the past. In this technology-driven era using workflow automation tools to automate the Request for Proposal (RFP) process helps relieve additional staff of their admin duties who can now be utilised for other tasks like planning and strategizing. Hiring of analysts to analyse data can be very beneficial in understanding scenarios of live shipment data. Traditional warehouses need to be replaced by smart warehouses with automated and interconnected smart warehousing systems that improve efficiency and decrease errors. 

2. Controlling overheads:

Controlling overheads will have a direct benefit to running a successful freight forwarding business due to cost control. A large portion of cost goes into packaging and transport. The best freight forwarders in Goa are now beginning to adopt measures like returnable packaging such as plastic crates, taking care of product protection, varying modes of transport that are economical, automation of logistics that will help in considerably reducing the costs on overheads.

3. Process optimisation:

Freight forwarding solutions in Goa, have been optimising their processes to streamline business and increase the daily efficiency of work in the freight forwarding business. Adopting pooling strategies help in consolidation transport to the same geographic area, thus leading to faster transit time and also cost reduction. Building of efficient networks by reviewing all available routes for transport and best rates for shipment allows for better optimization of freight forwarding processes. 

4. Avoiding common mistakes in Freight forwarding:

There are a few common mistakes done by freight forwarding companies that must be avoided. Never give out quotes without properly assessing the weights and dimensions of the shipment. Avoid delay in sending shipping documentation. Shipping goods without proper packaging must be avoided at all costs. Relying only on one type of transportation will render your business inefficient. The best freight forwarding companies in India must rely on multiple means of transportation for their goods. 

5. Build relationships:

It is very essential to build on good customer relationships in order to acquire new clients. Freight forwarding solutions in Goa must put in all efforts to create customer based services that enable addressing grievances raised by clients. This will enhance the reputation of the business.  

Also Read: 5 Tips for Packing and Shipping Heavy Items

Now that you have realised the ways by which you can better your freight forwarding business, it is time to take the necessary action and move forward with the success of your business.