Oct 232020

Pro Tips: 5 Important Ways To Take Care Of Your Fishing Gears

Pro Tips: 5 Important Ways To Take Care Of Your Fishing Gears

The monsoons have almost come to an end, which means that it’s the perfect fishing season. Your fishing reels, hooks and reels are your most important fishing equipment in Goa, so you should know how to keep them in good working order. After all, you do not want to be the person sitting at home alone, or in the boat due to a broken rod tip. With the right tips to take care of your fishing gear, you’ll be able to keep your fishing equipment in tip-top shape for a long time.

Remove any hooks or lures after a day of fishing from your fishing gear India. If you fail to do so, you could cause your lines to get badly tangled. As a matter of fact, you’ll end up finding that hook getting caught on to everything, including you! Hence taking care of your fishing gear would be to have it removed after each and every fishing trip.  

Now we know after every fishing trip all we want to do is show off with our fresh catch and have a hearty meal as a reward. But before you do that make sure you leave all your tackle boxes in Goa to air-dry out in a warm area. This will allow all wet baits and water inside your trays to evaporate. However, although an air drying method is the best option, there are a few times where you will want to wipe down bait compartments or use an external source like a hair dryer to dry out your trays much faster.

Ensure that your reels are kept clean by rinsing them under a faucet of very lukewarm water for about eight to 10 seconds. Turn it  around to make sure the water pressure rinses off any dirt and dried weeds of stains. Use a medium to medium-high faucet pressure, no need to use high pressure methods like a garden hose, as that much water pressure will actually push water into tight areas of your reels.

After the faucet rinse, give your reels a good long wipe down with a somewhat damp cloth, then use a dry cloth to absorb any remaining moisture. Wiping down your reels is a great way to remove things like dirt and dried weeds that should be loosened by the faucet rinse.

Don’t be afraid to use a blow dryer so as to eliminate moisture in those hard to see places of your reels, such as the button and inside the spool area. Using a blow dryer around your reel and passing over every single spot for a few minutes can help push out and evaporate moisture that may be inside areas the naked eye can’t see.

With our above mentioned tips, you will have no problem making sure your fishing equipment in goa gives you optimum results for the longest period of time. In fact, you will have your gear in great shape both in and outside the boat. After all, an amazing day of fishing always begins with the right fishing equipment for the job!