The first thing that we all do before investing in a property is that we decide on the area where we wish to live. By weighing in on the pros and cons of every situation we finally arrive at our decision of either building or purchasing our dream home. The nature of Goa is such that it provides for several residential options in terms of locality. You can decide to stay in a city, on the beach or in a village. Your decision depends on the type of life you’d like to live. If you enjoy the noise and love to be among people the city life will suit you if you prefer serenity and calmness the village life is your calling.
We at Linc Properties come across a lot of clients who choose to take the unconventional step and indeed choose to invest in village property to live a village life. Of course from our ideology which is all about offering better lifestyle options, we are in a position to advise people what exactly they will be in for when they choose the village life. Life in a village in Goa is simple. Farming would be the major occupation among most people. There are vast stretches of barren land which has very less population. Your closest neighbour may not be located very close after all. Villages are places where time passes by slowly, where pollution is less, a place where there are more green and less concrete.
Villages are great places for your kids to grow. You can nurture your hobbies like gardening and farming. The entire atmosphere is friendly. You will probably know each and every neighbour by name, unlike cities where very often you do not even know who resides in the apartment that is opposite to yours.
Investing in a village is far more reasonable than in cities. Plots for sale in villages are priced cheap and are in great demand today since they fit into most people’s budget. At Linc Properties, we deal with plots that are available for sale across many villages. Some of the best areas that are currently up for grabs include a plot in a village island along Mandovi River. This area is a typical village of Goa with an ideal village set up surrounded by water on all sides of it.
The trend followed by our clients is that apart from investing in a village to reside there, many of they invest in plots for sale in a Goan village to build a holiday home which is used as a getaway from the deafening noise of everyday life. They choose to retreat into a village for considerable parts of the year to find the much-needed peace that they seek.
Whatever the reason may be, choosing to live a life in a village is only going to pack on a few extra years to your life as the quality of life only gets enhanced. The real essence of Goa can only be felt in villages. However happy you may be living a city life, you will make sure to visit a village to find true solace.