Mar 062019

Warehouse Types- Different types of Warehouse Explained!

Warehouse Types- Different types of Warehouse Explained!

A warehouse is a place where  bulk produce, excessive merchandise or goods is stored until they are exported to other countries or distributed to shops to be sold for commercial purposes. A Warehousing Company operates the warehouse handling, no matter the type of business you run, sooner or later you will find yourself needing a warehousing company. In this guide you can read about different types of warehouse and figure out which one is right for you.

Below we discuss the types of warehouse:

  1. Private Warehouse
  2. Public Warehouse
  3. Government Warehouse
  4. Bonded Warehouse

Private Warehouse:

A private warehouse is maintained by large companies or single manufacturing units for storage of their own stock of goods.

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Public Warehouse:

A Public warehouse stores inventory of different businesses at the same place. It offers to rent space to businesses, often on a short-term basis. It is less expensive and efficient as compared to a private warehouse.

Government Warehouse:

A Government warehouse can be used by both private and Government agencies. It is owned, managed and governed by Central or State Government.

Bonded Warehouse:

A Bonded warehouse is used by exporters to store their products and the warehouse facility is covered by custom rules.