Dec 232019

Basic Fishing Equipment for the First Time Anglers

Basic Fishing Equipment for the First Time Anglers

The two fun activities that help almost all Goans enjoy themselves all through the year are Fishing and Football. Competitively they may be seasonal activities, but when it comes to leisure they can be indulged in at any time during the year.

Let’s talk about Fishing in this article and how this activity for beginners, is more about fun than the fish. Fishing or angling is a great activity to spend some fun moments with family and friends and also connect with nature. One needs to get their basics right before trying out any new activity; we are here to throw some light on the essential equipment that ever first time fishing enthusiast or angler needs to know. 

fishing rod near river

The essentials of any fishing expedition are fishing rods, fishing reels, fishing lines, fishing baits or lures, hooks, sinkers and other tools that help facilitate the activity. Fishing equipment was very cumbersome to purchase for amateurs and beginners for two reasons; one is because the knowledge of fishing was limited and two because there were almost no stores in the Goan market for purchasing equipment. People had to request a friend or relative to purchase one for them either from abroad or other parts of India by shelling out a lot of money.

Thanks to Casa Ibrahim based in Vasco Da Gama, Goa, we now have quality and reliable fishing equipment store at our doorstep at very affordable prices.  They deal with all fishing gear that can be used by beginners and professionals.

Fish Catch

A beginner needs a safe and sturdy fishing rod that has a reel already attached to it. Fishing rod and reel combos are a great option for people of all age groups and a medium strength rod should do the trick. 5-foot-6-inch rods and 6-foot-6-inch rods are a great all-around size for any first time angler. Casa Ibrahim in Goa has rod and reel combos of various brands.

The fishing rod needs to have a fishing line that is cast out into the water in order to get you a good catch of fish. The fishing line must be of durable nature; since depending on the size of the fish and the conditions in the water, the line tends to break. Monofilament lines, Braided lines, Leader lines and Fly lines are the popular ones in the market. Casa Ibrahim recommends Monofilament lines for all first time anglers since they meet fishing conditions in Goa.

Men at fishing

How do you get fish to come to you? Well, this task is simplified with the use of baits and lures that come in various shapes, colours and sizes. Live bait is one option, but for longer fishing expeditions and to make things easier for first time anglers; lures are a preferred option. These lures come with hooks attached to them, thus saving you the trouble to purchase additional hooks. Lures resemble small dummy fish which are used to stimulate big fish to take a bite at them thereby making it your lucky day out in the waters. Casa Ibrahim has the popular brands of Strike Pro, Damiki, Cassun and Tackle house.

You will need a few tools handy with you once you get your fish and seek to go in for the next catch. Fishing pliers, cutters, scissors, gloves and so on help in safety while handling your catch and Casa Ibrahim recommends the Cassan Fly Tying Tool Kit which comes in a wooden box with various compartments so that you can organise all your fishing gear. 

Visit the store, talk to the staff and make sure you get your hands on the best fishing equipment at one of Goa’s best Fishing tackle shop. Happy Fishing..!!