May 272019

Health check-up for Women

Health check-up for Women

We at Vision Multispecialty Hospital make sure that we provide the best of health care to all our patients. We have a wide range of health care check-ups that once can choose from in order to make sure that he or she corrects the areas in which there is ill health and then enjoy the best of health altogether.

We give utmost importance to women who are often in the mode of health ignorance due to their busy lifestyle. With age, women run the risk of getting a lot of different health conditions. Regular checks ensure that these conditions can be kept at bay.

  • Cervical cancer

A woman at the age of 30 must undergo a pelvic examination and a pap smear check-up. Cervical cancer is very common today. In this test, a swab is inserted in the vagina and then sent for further examination to check for cervical cancer. If the test is negative then the woman can take this test every three years.

  • Breast cancer

We recommend coming in for a thorough breast examination check. A mammogram is a specialised X-ray of the breast which tracks breast cancer. We will also teach a woman how to examine herself at home. This test is advised to be done every 2 years.

  • Osteoporosis

Due to age and menopausal conditions, a lot of women experience osteoporosis which leads to weak and brittle bones. We advise a test called bone mineral density test. This test is conducted by a specialised X-ray which screens your spine, hips, and wrists. This test must be done one in five years after reaching the age of 35 years.

  • Thyroid

Women suffer from unexplained weight loss or hair loss or exhaustion. The reason for this may be an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism. A thyroid test will help identify the issue and the doctors will take the necessary steps to rectify it. This test needs to be taken every 5 years.

  • Diabetes

Another common condition among women is diabetes. It can cause severe health impacts on women. A blood glucose tolerance test is done to see how your body reacts to glucose. If you have diabetes in your family you need to take this test all the more.

  • Cholesterol

Women also need to take the lipid profile test which shows the amounts of bad and good cholesterol in the body. You need to fast for 12 hours and then take this test. This test should be done every year in order to be sure that you do not suffer from high cholesterol.

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a nutrient that is needed for bone growth. Working women and housewives are hardly exposed to the sun nowadays, so the levels of vitamin D in the body may be less. Consider taking a Vitamin D test to check your levels.

We recommend that every woman who reaches the age of 35 years comes forward and takes these tests. If women are healthy it is a very good sign for the growth of society.

Prevention is better than cure, so it is best to get yourself diagnosed with the disease in time and then treat it effectively.