Reba McEntire states a very important fact and that is all the money in the world can’t buy you back good health. Health is something that is so fragile that one small negative effect in it can have you on a downfall in life. Health is literally your wealth. And all other similar phrases like ‘prevention is the best cure’ that we learnt in school come to show us the truth today. In a world that tends to leave most unhealthy, it is of utmost importance for all of us to concentrate on healthy living. Vision Hospital helps you take care of yourself through its facilities in pathology.
A routine blood test is a solution to monitoring your health and ensuring the prevention of diseases. The number of diseases in today’s world is on the rise today. Many of them can be fatal if we do not get the proper diagnosis on time. A blood test can help detect these diseases at an early stage and save lives. Vision Hospital has one of the best blood testing facilities in Mapusa Goa. A specialized pathologist heads this facility and makes sure all the standards are met to deliver great services to patients. Out of the many procedures that are conducted here the major ones include clinical pathology, Haematology, Cytology, Routine pathology, Clinical microbiology clinical Biochemistry, Biochemical analysis and Arterial blood gas analysis.
One of the most common diseases that are on the rise today in Goa is diabetes. A blood test can help detect and identify if you are suffering from diabetes or are on the verge of developing it.
Through blood tests, ones can also check on the vital organs of the body like the liver and kidneys. A blood test can keep a check on altered levels that may be the result of infection, inflammation, alcoholism, toxic chemicals or medicines, drugs of abuse, occupational hazards, diabetes, metabolic diseases, and high blood pressure. Upon this detection, one can take the necessary steps in healthcare to cure themselves.
The minor flu can lead to severe issues if left untreated. Doctors today suggest a blood test if simple flu persists these days as the only way to rule out you have not developed malaria, dengue, chikungunya is through these tests.
Dreaded diseases like HIV are detected through blood tests. The government also plans to make it mandatory for all couples that wish to get married to go in for a mandatory HIV test before doing so.
Regular blood tests help you to maintain the right levels of vitamins and minerals. If any of these are lacking then we can take the right steps towards rectifying them. Another common problem that is faced by many is thyroid. The altered hormone levels can go undetected for a long time unless we go in for a blood test. Blood tests also help in keeping a check on testosterone and estrogen levels which can be the cause of erectile dysfunction, infertility, poor libido and so on.
Every person’s body is different from the other, which is why Vision hospital having specialised pathology labs for a blood test in Goa insist on a customised blood test for every individual, as what the case may be for one patient may not be the same for all. Blood tests are great self-tracker mechanisms to make sure that you have your health in place. The process is not very expensive and easy to do.
Stay healthy.