We are all aware of CoronaVirus and how it’s affecting our life physically, socially and emotionally. Coronavirus has changed many things around us, how we work, our daily schedule and our Lifestyle. Schools, malls, markets have closed, sports leagues have been cancelled, and many people have been asked to work from home. Home quarantine is required to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. At this moment it’s very important to maintain distance between you and other people. Many countries are in lockdown due to the virus and have made the message very clear to stay home. Definitely we all are missing going out of our homes, the outside world and going stir crazy not able to go and do the things we’re used to. Staying at home is the only vaccine we have for now.
We are so busy in our daily life that we always forget to make time for ourselves and our family. In this Lockdown, we can make the best use by doing the things we were missing out on, things we wished to do but couldn’t. Also, use this time to improve your relationships with the people you are living with. Some of us are more fortunate than others and have the luck of being at home with our families. Thankfully, we have the option to connect with loved ones via the Internet. Social interaction through video calls can get us closer to the people living far from us. We can play board games, card games virtually, and also call our long-distance friends and family members.
Boredom can be an opportunity to realign your goals. Learn something new and do productive work. We can improve our personal development skills, a perfect opportunity to expand our knowledge and gain new skills. There are thousands of great resources online in all possible fields to keep our brain busy and learn new things every day. We can spend time on improving our hobbies such as dancing, singing, sketching, playing instruments, craft, doodles etc or get some new hobbies.
1. Cooking and Gardening:

With the current times, the supply of essential fruits and vegetables have been affected. As a result, the stress has increased tremendously. Have you thought about maybe gardening at home? Well, I guess it’s the right time to give it a go as this will be a good source for your groceries in an uncertain future.
You don’t need a whole yard to do it, a small balcony can also do the trick. Growing organic vegetables is a highly rewarding activity. You can then use these fruits and vegetables in your meals as it’s firstly healthy and it’s a better option than a takeaway. So, you can see cooking can be fun when you have all your ingredients available right at the comfort of your home.
2. Organize:

You can also utilize your time by organising a lot of things at Home. It can be your wardrobe, work or study area etc. Placing things neat and tidy will help you in many ways. In fact, any type of physical exercise helps in reducing stress. So, when you actually take the time to keep things organized, it can help you feel more relaxed and helps you gain clarity.
3. Exercise:

Most important, get fit and healthy. Working out at home can be beneficial for both your mind and body. Exercising at home is an awesome mood booster, stress reliever, and ideal body maker. Do yoga or try meditating. This will enhance your spiritual development as well as train your mind and body to become more mindful.
4. Technology:

Try using technology wisely at home. With a wide selection of YouTube videos and online tutorials, you can use this time to learn a completely new language, do some online courses and much more.
5. Books:

with the amount of time we have on our side, nothing can be better than by reading books. There are ample books out there to read from different genres. It helps your mind wander especially during these tough times.
6. Movies & Series:

What better way to let your mind escape from this uncertain time than to watch movies and series on your devices be it on your telly or on your pc or mobile device. With streaming sites available such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, Disney+ and much more, one thing you can be certain about is that you will always have many options to choose and watch from ranging from different genres to keep you entertained for you and your family. You could watch the all-time classic show like Friends or something fun like Ratatouille.
7. Music:

Most of us have either a guitar, piano or any other instrument laying around at home. Take this time and opportunity to learn to play. Thanks to the internet we have so many resources available on our fingertips to learn to play at home for free! You’ll be surprised to see how easy and detailed the tutorials are online. So, go ahead and start exploring and learning your musical instruments.
Try and limit screen time. Take a break from technology for a little while, go airplane mode. So say goodbye to boredom and say hello to creating a better life.