Mar 262020

How Often Should You Visit an ENT Specialist and Why?

How Often Should You Visit an ENT Specialist and Why?

“The road to destruction is paved with negligence, with ignorance as a hedge on both sides.” This quote reminds us of how ignorant we can be when it comes to certain health issues, which makes one pay a huge price with its consequences later. Diabetes, respiratory and kidney-related issues are the ones that are considered to be severe and are catching people’s attention. However, your ears, nose, and throat, like any other part of your body, can suffer from a wide range of problems. 

Many a time, individuals find themselves experiencing frequent headaches, allergies, neck pain, sore throat, nasal congestion and sinusitis which are ignored and often suppressed temporarily by the use of paracetamol or painkillers. Apart from providing momentary relief, sadly they also cater towards the increase in these issues. There is a medical specialisation called Otorhinolaryngology which is a surgical subspecialty within medicine that deals with the surgical and medical management of conditions in the head and neck. The popular term however for a doctor treating conditions of the ear, nose, and throat is ENT.

Below are some pretty clear indicators that it’s time to see an ENT doctor:

  • Persisting Hearing Loss
  • Sinus Pain
  • Repeated Nasal congestions
  • A sore throat 
  • Sensations in Ears
  • Allergies
  • Tonsillitis
  • Vertigo
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Acid Reflux

An ENT doctor is the one who can diagnose such issues and will be in a position to provide you with a complete treatment of it. Many people consult a general physician, but since an ENT is a specialist in these areas, it is medically logical that they will probably be able to provide a more in-depth assessment of the conditions. They will also be able to deliver more comprehensive and current treatment options based on their experience and knowledge.

It is incredibly important to see an ENT whenever you face such issues and get your check-up done immediately. These doctors usually have their own clinics and also pay visits to various multispecialty hospitals where procedures like Otology Surgeries, Rhinology Surgery, Advanced Endo- Nasal Surgery, Sinus Surgery, and throat and Oro – Pharyngeal Surgery are covered. One will be able to avail treatment from the best ENT doctors in Goa visiting these hospitals. An ENT specialist will prevent you from facing chronic diseases related to Ears, Nose, and Throat and ensure that you are physically fit and healthy. The quicker you react when you come across a symptom, the quicker you can receive treatment and quicker the recovery. 

Also Read: Benefits of Regular Health Checkup