Apr 172019

How to cure Sinusitis?

How to cure Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a condition in which the cavities around the nasal passages become inflamed. This condition can cause a lot of trouble and discomfort among patients.

Symptoms of this condition include

  • Sinus headache
  • Facial tenderness
  • Pressure or pain in the sinuses
  • Fever
  • Cloudy discoloured nasal or postnasal drainage
  • Feeling of nasal stuffiness
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Occasionally facial swelling

There are several remedies to take care of sinusitis.

Saline Nasal Irrigation

This includes the use of nasal sprays or solutions which rinses away the irritants. If the condition is too severe doctors will prescribe antibiotics which fight the infection and provide relief. In extreme cases, doctors suggest surgery to deal with this condition. Here doctor uses a thin, flexible tube with an attached light to explore your sinus passages. Various instruments are used to remove tissue thereby enlarging the sinus passages.

Home Remedies

Another therapy commonly used for sinusitis is home remedies. Resting is said to be the preliminary measure to treat it as rest will help your body fight inflammation and speed recovery. Drinking fluids like water and juices help dilute the mucous secretions and promote drainage. Avoid beverages with caffeine and alcohol. You can also moisturize your sinus cavities by doing hot water inhalation or taking hot showers.

Warm Compresses

Another means of treating this is to apply warm compresses to your face. Place warm damp towels on your nose and cheeks. Sleeping with your head elevated helps to drain your sinuses. A saline solution can easily be made at home using sterile water, salt, and baking soda. Combine the following ingredients 1/4 pint of clean water, 1/4 teaspoon (tsp) of salt and 1/4 tsp of baking soda and sniff it with your nose.

Using essential oils

Essential oils like menthol help to relieve sinusitis. Menthol creates a sensation that the nasal passages are opening. Put a few drops of the oil to hot water, and breathe in the steam through the nose. If you suffer from pain, then you may have to visit the doctor and he will prescribe a few pain killers.

Once you get relief and are free from the symptoms, it is very important to prevent the recurrence of it. Some remedies to prevent it from reoccurring are running water gently into the nasal passages to help clear excess mucus and moisten membranes. You need to drink plenty of water in a day. Use humidifiers in your house. As much as possible try and sleep with your head elevated.

Try and practice the preventive measure as much as possible to reduce the recurrence of the symptoms.

Of course, if you feel the home remedies are not working and your condition is worsening you will need to visit the doctor.