Jul 112020

How To Catch The Attention Of Job Recruiters Online

How To Catch The Attention Of Job Recruiters Online

Who doesn’t want the perfect job with a good stipend? But the placement won’t come while we sit and chill, and give zero efforts. We need to be out there with our skills and details on point, to drive it to us and find the best jobs in Goa. So, have you considered what will grab that opportunity for you? 

To get a position in your dream company we need to grab the attention of the recruiters first. To find jobs in Goa, there are certain things that, if kept correct and suitable, will make you visible to the recruiters. To help you ace in the competition, here are some points to focus upon: 

  • Professional picture

Just like the bio, a picture portrays you and puts a face to the name. Having a photo will make you more approachable. Generally, a professional picture should be clear and with your face in the frame, with you facing the camera.

  • Have a proper bio 

When companies talk about recruiting someone, they would need to know the background and a quick profile of the individual, this points to having a professional and accurate bio about yourself. Adding this bio while applying for jobs, on your resume, portfolio, etc, will be in your favour and quickly explain to the looker about what you exactly offer. The bio should have details like your name, professional tagline, achievements, goals in life, explanation of what you do best and how you can provide results from your skillset.

  • Certifications and skills

Go ahead and show them all that you know. Those certificates which you’ve earned with all your efforts and the skills you’ve acquired while learning and working are to be shown, while applying and on your professional profile/portfolio. They function as proof and show your dominance in your field of work.

  • Filling details properly

While applying for a job, you should always provide correct information and it should be focused upon that you fill in all the details that are mentioned there and required by the company. Leaving a column blank or providing an incorrect contact while applying for job opportunities online might directly take a suitable opportunity out of your hands. Also, this task will prove to the officials how professional and organized you are. 

  • Keeping an eye on job portals & LinkedIn

To reach the opportunities, you need to be present where they are. There are many job portals in Goa to keep you informed about an opening and you can even search for them on LinkedIn, which is an excellent social media platform for applying for jobs. Many employers are using LinkedIn for hiring and putting up openings so remember to keep your profile updated there as well. LinkedIn will show you jobs in its jobs section which will match your skills and there’s an option on LinkedIn to show the recruiters that you are open to opportunities, make use of all this to attract them to you.

  • Be up to date

It’s very much required that we stay in coordination with the changes and updates in our industry of expertise. That will help us be prepared and skilled to work with the new trends and rising requirements. Also, it will make us be experts in our domains.

Also Read: Top 6 High-Income Skills That are in Demand in 2020

Applying to a job is a big process in itself and in the end, the one who’s most skilled and organized will succeed in it. Staying prepared and updated will get you the best project as well as your dream job at some of the top companies in Goa.