Apr 282020

Why Everybody Should Regularly Go for Eye Check Up

Why Everybody Should Regularly Go for Eye Check Up

The ’Eye’ is not just a beautiful part of the human body but also happens to be its most developed sensory organ. A larger part of the brain is dedicated to vision in comparison to the other sensory organs. Hence, protecting the eyes becomes important to reduce the odds of blindness, vision loss, and avoid the development of eye diseases such as Cataract, Glaucoma, Squint eye treatment, Diabetic Retinopathy and so on.  

The eye being the most sensitive organ in our body needs extreme care to prevent any problems or abnormalities from occurring. Problems in vision are caused due to many factors, some of them include:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol intake 
  • Lack of proper diet and nutritional supplements such as Vitamins (A, C, and E), thiamine, zinc.
  • Prolonged screen time on gadgets, watching TV or looking at computer screens, smartphone addiction, and so on causes strain to eyesight.
  • Both visible and ultraviolet light may damage the eye. This happens particularly when the ultraviolet rays are absorbed by the cornea and as a result, can lead to cataracts. These then need to be corrected with Cataract eye surgery treatments in Goa. Some of the best cataract doctors in Goa opine that Cataract happens to be a very common eye problem, especially as you age with nearly 74% of adults 60 years and older having cataracts. 

Most of the vision-threatening diseases do not have symptoms in the early stages, which creates an impression of our eyes being healthy and that there is no need for a routine eye check-up. This attitude reflects our careless behavior, which worsens the eye problems. Therefore, in order to avoid such scenarios, it becomes essential to have regular eye check-ups.

The check-up time frame varies according to age. The younger generation should visit an eye doctor and get their eye exam and other tests done once every two years, whereas the older generation or people above 40 years of age can get their eyesight examined in two to four years. People who already wear corrective glasses should have an eye exam once a year. Annual eye check-ups are important as the vision can change over time due to aging, medication, and overall health factors. 

Below mentioned are some symptoms which should not be neglected, and which require an immediate check-up:

  • Eye Strain – at times we feel stinginess in our eyes due to extensive working hours, hence overuse of eyes should be avoided.
  • Red Eyes – when the eye surface turns red it means the blood vessels have been expanded due to irritation and infection, hence it is important to get the eyes checked.
  • Night blindness – when it’s hard to see at night or at dark places, this is a very important symptom for various eye-related diseases, including cataract.
  • Other symptoms include frequent headaches, watery eyes, pain in optic nerves, etc. 

Also Read: How To Prepare Your Child For An Eye Examination

Various hospitals in Mapusa offer the best doctors to provide treatment for all eye problems, along with cataract eye surgeries and squint eye treatment.